Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bra's - they are not just about looks...

It isn’t just about looks……

A badly fitting bra can cause back pain, breast pain, indigestion, headaches and restricted breathing.

In Chinese medicine a badly fitting bra restricts the flow of Qi in 8 out of the 12 meridians in the body. As these meridians are the channels through which the Qi from various organs travels, a tight fitting bra with cups that are too small can have significant consequences on your health. 

Its not rocket science – proper support for larger breasts has a huge impact on back health, says Patrick Ryder, our Chiropractor at the Fitzwilliam Health Clinic. A well fitted bra will combine support for the breasts so that the shoulders are not doing all the work.  If you are a large breasted woman you are more likely to have back pain, however tight shoulder straps which leave  red marks  means that your shoulders are doing all the work . The hunched forward, stiff shouldered posture associated with larger breasted women in poorly fitted bras may lead to an increased risk of shoulder and neck problems.

In smaller breasted women, chaffing can be a problem as frequently the cup size is incorrect or they are inclined to wear the under band too tightly, restricting their breathing.  According to Ciara Donnellan of Cupcakes Lingerie, a 34 B size is rare; in fact she frequently has customers who believe that they are a 36 C when in fact they are a 30 D! She is passionate about correct bra sizes and says that bras are a feat of engineering with the under band of the bra providing 80% of the support, with the straps providing just 20%.

Why not get a free fitting from Ciara Donnellan at Cupcakes Lingerie, Ranelagh. She specialises in a large range of bra sizes and types - because as we all know no two women are alike!!

The wrong bra? How you can tell?
The under band is riding up
Lift up your arms to see whether the bra is tight enough. The under band should always fit firmly against the body.

The shoulder straps are digging in
If the bra straps are digging in, it could be because the under band is too loose and you are over-adjusting the straps to feel supported.

The centre fold is lifting away from the body
If it doesn't, the cups could be too small.

The back band is overstretched 
The straps at the back should be parallel, if they aren’t it may be that your bra band is too small.

Amanda Hughes
Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbalist
Lic.Ac (adv) Beijing, I.C.T.C.M., I.R,C.H.M.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Delayed onset muscle soreness - Treatment & Prevention

Delayed onset muscle soreness - Treatment & Prevention

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) describes a phenomenon of muscle pain, muscle soreness or muscle stiffness that occurs in the day or two after exercise. This muscle soreness is most frequently felt when you begin a new exercise program, change your exercise routine, or dramatically increase the     duration or intensity of your exercise routine.
Although it can be alarming for new exercisers, delayed onset muscle soreness is a normal response to unusual exertion and is part of an adaption process that leads to greater stamina and strength as the muscles recover and build (hypertrophy). This sort of muscle pain is not the same as the muscle pain or fatigue you experience during exercise. Delayed soreness is also unlike the acute, sudden and sharp pain of an injury such as a muscle strains or sprain that occurs during activity and often causes swelling or bruising. The delayed muscle soreness of DOMS is generally at its worst within the first 2 days following a new, intense activity and slowly subsides over the next few days.

What Causes Muscle Soreness After Exercise?

Delayed onset muscle soreness is thought to be a result of microscopic tearing of the muscle fibre's. The amount of tearing (and soreness) depends on how hard and how long you exercise and what type of  exercise you do. Any movement you aren't used to can lead to DOMS, but eccentric muscle contractions (movements that cause muscle to forcefully contract while it lengthens) seem to cause the most soreness.
Examples of eccentric muscle contractions include going down stairs, running downhill, lowering weights and the downward motion of squats and push-ups. In addition to small muscle tears there can be associated swelling in a muscle which may contribute to soreness

What Is the Best Treatment for Muscle Soreness After Exercise?

There is no one simple way to treat delayed onset muscle soreness. In fact, there has been an on-going debate about both the cause and treatment of DOMS. In the past, gentle stretching was one of the recommended ways to reduce exercise related muscle soreness, but a study by Australian researchers published in 2007 found that stretching is not effective in avoiding muscle soreness.
So does anything work to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness? Nothing is proven 100% effective, and although some people have found the following advice helpful, it's best to try a few things to see what works for you. Ultimately, best advice for treating DOMS is to prevent it in the first place.

Tips for Dealing with Muscle Soreness After Exercise

If you do find yourself sore after a tough workout or competition, try these methods to deal with your discomfort. Although not all are backed up with research, many athletes report success with some of the following methods.

  • Use active recovery. This strategy does have support in the research. Performing easy low-impact aerobic exercise increasing blood flow and is linked with diminished muscle soreness. After an intense workout or competition, use this technique as a part of your cool down.
  • Rest and Recover. If you simply wait it out, soreness will go away in 3 to 7 days with no special treatment.
  • Try A Sports Massage. Some research has found that sports massage may help reduce reported muscle soreness and reduce swelling, although it had no effects on muscle function. 
  • Try an ICE bath. Although no clear evidence proves they are effective, many pro-athletes use them and claim they work to reduce soreness. 
  • Use RICE, the standard method of treating acute injuries, if your soreness is particularly painful. Try gentle stretching although research doesn't find stretching alone reduces muscle pain of soreness, many people find it simply feels good.   
  • Aspirin, Ibuprofen or naproxen sodium may help to temporarily reduce the muscle soreness, although they won't actually speed healing. Be careful, however, if you plan to take them before exercise. Studies reported that taking Ibuprofen before endurance exercise is not recommended.
  • Try yoga. There is growing support that performing Yoga may reduce DOMS.
  • Listen to your Body. Avoid any vigorous activity or exercise that increases pain.
  • Allow the soreness to subside thoroughly before performing any vigorous exercise.
  • Warm up completely before your next exercise session. There is some research that supports that a warm-up performed immediately prior to unaccustomed eccentric exercise produces small reductions in delayed-onset muscle soreness (but cool-down performed after exercise does not).
  • ** If your pain persists longer than about 7 days or increases despite these measures, consult your physician **
  • Learn something from the experience! Use prevention first :)   

Tips to Help Prevent Muscle Soreness After Exercise

  • While you may not be able to prevent muscle soreness entirely, you may reduce the intensity and duration of muscles soreness if you follow a few exercise recommendations.
  • Progress Slowly. The most important prevention method is to gradually increase your exercise time and intensity.  
  • Warm up thoroughly before activity and cool down completely afterwards.  
  • Cool down with gentle stretches after exercise. 
  • Follow the ten percent rule. When beginning a new activity start gradually and build up your time and intensity no more than 10% per week. 
  • Get advice if you aren't sure how to start a workout program that is safe and effective. 
  • Start a new weight lifting routine with light weights and high reps (10-12) and gradually increase the amount you lift over several weeks. 
  • Avoid making sudden major changes in the type of exercise you do. 
  • Avoid making sudden major changes in the amount of time that you exercise. 
  • Certain muscle pain or soreness can be a sign of a serious injury and remember if your muscle  soreness does not get better within a week consult your physician.

Kevin O’Toole
Physical Therapist & Sports & Remedial Massage