As much as crossing our legs feel incredible comfortable, it is in fact a very unhealthy thing to do. It can contribute to poor posture, back pain and poor circulation.
Poor Posture
As soon as you sit with your legs crossed it causes a shift in your pelvis. If we look at someone when they are sitting with their legs crossed we will observe that one pelvic bone is higher than the other, in other words they are sitting on an uneven base!
When this happens it is not as if you look lopsided. This is because your body is very intelligent and sets about correcting this in balance.
How I hear you ask?!? Well muscles in your back contract to compensate, this can lead to unbearable upper back pain, shoulder fatigue, dropping shoulders, headaches and chronic lower back pain.
Back Pain
Sitting for many hours with your legs crossed placed undue stress on your pelvis and upper back. Many of our patients, primarily the ladies, will find that once they cut out this habit their back pain improves considerably. There is always a cause for back pain. The best way to resolve a problem is to find out what is causing it in the first place. For some it is as simple as uncrossing those legs!
Poor Circulation
When crossing your legs you cause compression of delicate blood vessels in your legs. It also makes it harder for blood to return to your heart. Over time this can lead to thread veins and unsightly varicose veins. Due to the poor circulation people can also suffer from cold feet, not pleasant especially during the winter months.
What Can I Do?
Simple – uncross those legs to start! Unfortunately for many of us we have been crossing our legs for many many years. Over time the muscles in our back become chronically tights and the pelvic in balance can be present even when not sitting. If you so suffer from pain when sitting for prolonged periods the best solution is to book in to see your Chiropractor for a Spine Health Check. As spinal specialists they will be able to asses the severity of your condition and an appropriate treatment plan to resolve the problem once and for all.
During the month of December you can book in for a full Spine Health Check at the Fitzwilliam Health Clinic for €30, that’s a 50% discount from our normal price...., Happy Christmas!
Catch up with Dr Gemma Bailey next week where she will be focusing on High Heels and how they damage you.
Dr Gemma Bailey (BSc Hons Chiro)
Dr of Chiropractic and Full member of the CAI
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