B is for Bone Density
Our bones are constantly renewing themselves, for this to happen we rely on certain hormones, vitamins and minerals, the most important being Vitamin D and Calcium.
If we do not have adequate amounts of these in our diets then it is possible that the new bone we make will not be as dense or thick as it should be. Over time this can lead to a condition called Osteopenia. If left un-diagnosed this will lead to Osteoporosis – thin bones which can cause aches and pains in the bone, stooped posture and bone fractures.
Unfortunately females are more prone to this condition as the hormone oestrogen helps us to absorb calcium. As we approach Menopause and afterwards our oestrogen levels drops dramatically making it harder for us to absorb calcium and making us susceptible to this condition.
As with everything prevention is better than cure. If Osteopenia is diagnosed in its early stages it gives you the best chance to manage it correctly and hopefully prevents it from progressing. If you are approaching Menopause, are Post Menopause or there is a family history of Osteoporosis then ask your GP to refer you for a DEXA Bone Scan. This is a simple non invasive procedure that will measure your bone density.
Dr Gemma Bailey
BSc (Hons) Chiropractic
Full Member of the CAI
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