Monday, October 24, 2011

8 years of your life seated…you better get it right!

8 years of your life seated…you better get it right!

The average office worker will sit for 6 hours a day and work 252 days a year.

If we do the maths that means we spend on average 63 days a year sat down, over a life time that adds up to nearly 8 years!!!

This only takes in to account hours at work, in reality we also spend a lot of time sat in the car and in front of the TV.

Hopefully now you can see why correct ergonomics at work is so important?

Your back just isn’t designed to sit for these long periods of time, so it is imperative that you have a good chair, exercise your back regularly and have regular Chiropractic check ups. If you do all these things then you are massively reducing your risk of getting back pain.

Here are a few handy tips to help you sit better. Please talk to Dr Bailey if you require any further information.

1. Your knees and hip joints need to be at 90°

2. Feet flat on the floor or on a foot rest

3. If using an arm wrest the elbows need to be bent to 90°, do not lean on the elbows, the wrests are only there for support.

4. Your back should be in contact with the back of the chair at all times, no leaning forward.

5. Your computer needs to be set up in front of you, not to the side. You should not be turning your head or body.

6. Take a brake every 30min, walk to get a glass of water, take a call walking or just stand up and walk around your desk.

7. Stretch regularly throughout the day. You Chiropractor will give you specific stretches to do.

If you enjoyed this blog then log on next monday where Dr Bailey will be talking about sleeping posture.

 Dr Gemma Bailey Bsc (Hons) Chiro
 Doctor of Chiropractic

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