Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Straighten Up Ireland 2011

Straighten Up Ireland 2011

It always amazes me that people do not get their spines checked at least once a year.

The spine is such an important part of the body. It is vital for movement, in fact most people only realise this once they have hurt it and they can’t use it!!

The spine also protects the spinal cord. The spinal cord and spinal nerves relay messages from the brain to every cell in the body, a healthy spine means a healthy nervous system.

I can guarantee that you take better care of your teeth then you do your spine? We brush our teeth twice a day, visit the dentist for check ups once a year and spend a fortune on dental treatment. Don’t get me wrong, this is very important to do and I only use it as an example of what people should be doing in relation to their spines. After all if your teeth fall out you can get dentures, what do you do if your spine wears out?

Having regular Chiropractic care has been proven to give you a healthier, stronger spine. We place stress through our spines each and every day. Chiropractic care is designed to resolve these issues BEFORE symptoms start.

So if you have never had your spine checked, book in with Dr Bailey today for a FREE check up. If you are an existing patient and it has been a few months since your last treatment, book in today! Remember prevention is better the cure!

Dr Gemma Bailey

Bsc (Hons) Chiro

Doctor of Chiropractic

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