Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas survival guide for your back!

Christmas survival guide for your back! 

One in five people get stressed over the Christmas period and suffer ill-health as a result. At the Fitzwilliam Health Clinic we see a significant rise in demand for Chiropractic treatment early in the New Year as a result of Christmas related stress.

Back and neck problems occur over the Christmas Holidays because people are under pressure to provide the perfect Christmas. We often spend the week leading up to Christmas rushing around doing last minute shopping and preparations. We are then so exhausted we spend much of the following week sitting around on the couch watching TV – something we are not that used to doing!

The result is often sore and uncomfortable backs, so here are some handy tips to keep your spine healthy this Christmas:

  • Keep it simple! Ensure that your expectations of Christmas are realistic. Keep the atmosphere relaxed and get people to help out as much as possible to share the load.

  • Keep Active – As much as we all deserve our well earned Christmas brake (especially this year!) make sure you get some activity each day – however a word of caution...don’t get too excited playing your kids latest Wii games, they can be dangerous; we see a lot of Wii related injuries in the clinic!

To avoid undue strain on your spine when shopping you should:
• Warm up before you start with stretches
• Balance the weight of shopping bags evenly in each hand or use a shopping trolley
• Have a break regularly and keep hydrated
• Use mail-order or home delivery services where possible
• Where sensible, flat, supportive shoes
• Do several small trips rather than one large over-loaded trip

Wishing you a Happy Christmas & Best Wishes for 2012 from Gemma & Patrick!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Chinese Herbal Medicine is more effective that western medicine for female infertility

Researchers find Chinese Herbal Medicine more effective than modern medicine for female infertility

In an Australian Government-funded study, Ried and Stuart of Adelaide University reviewed 8 RCT’s and 22 smaller studies involving a total of 1851 women with poor fertility. Meta-analysis of studies involving over 1000 women found roughly double the likelihood of achieving pregnancy with Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) than with western drug therapy. Over a 4 month period pregnancy rates were 60% for CHM verses 32% for drug treatment 9n=1005, odds ratio = 3.5, 95% confidence interval 2.3-5-2, p < 0.0001).
Other studies, involving over 600 women, compared CHM with IVF and revealed a mean pregnancy rate for CHM of 50% compared with 30% for IVF. The Adelaide study also provided evidence indicating that herbal treatment tailored to the specific traditional diagnosis of what was wrong with each individual’s reproductive health was a key factor in successful treatment.

The authors write: “Our meta-analyses suggest Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine to be more effective in the treatment of female infertility achieving on average a 60% pregnancy rate over 4 months compared with 30% achieved with standard western drug treatment, or IVF over 12 months.”

It will be interesting to see if these findings provoke the usual backlash from the powerful medi-business lobby who, according to past form, will wheel out an “expert” to rubbish the findings and suggest that CHM treatment is unproven and dangerous.

Efficacy of Traditional CHM in the Management of Female Infertility: A Systematic Review.
K Ried, K Stuart
Complementary Therapies in Medicine Vol 19 issue 6 Dec. 2011
© 2011 The Journal of Chinese Medicine

Amanda Hughes
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Lic.Ac (adv) Beijing, I.C.T.C.M., IRChHMed

Stretches at Work!

Stretches at Work!

Over the past few weeks I have discussed the importance of correct posture, at work, at home and when you are sleeping.
Unfortunately no matter how good your posture is you could still be susceptible to tight muscles, due to stresses and strains we face on a daily basis at work.
The solution.....regular stretching!
Stretching helps to warm up your muscles and keeps them relaxed, preventing them from becoming chronically tight!

Before you start!
1. If you are in pain please consult with your Chiropractor before you perform these stretches
2. Stretching should be pain free. If you experience any pain while stretching stop immediately.
3. Never try and push a stretch too far – you can easily damage a muscle
4. If your muscle shakes while performing a stretch reduce the stretch down
5. Start with holding a stretch for 10 seconds and build up to 30 seconds
Pease click on the link below to get your FREE animated stretching workout for sedentary workers

Dr Gemma Bailey
BSc Hons Chiro

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Truth about Stress

The Truth About Stress

Stress is a thought, plain and simple. You can't pluck stress out of the air on a windy day. Stress is not going bite you on the nose and infect you. Stress is all you. Or me.

It's all how we perceive things. Remember the old saying that life is "10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it." We all experience ups and downs. The problem is that in our society, with all the talk of war, economic disparity, health insurance woes, and political unrest, the downs seem to outweigh the ups. Add in a stressful job, a relationship on the rocks, or car trouble (my personal nightmare), and that can add up to some serious stress.

Our bodies were designed to handle stress in small amounts, namely "fight or flight." If a hungry lion is stalking toward you, you either turn and run or you stay and defend yourself. The truly amazing thing is that the human body can mobilize itself in an instant to make fight or flight possible. Here's how:

Dilated pupils- gives us the ability to take in more of our surroundings.

Pounding heart- sends more blood than usual to muscles so that we can move faster.

Cold, sweaty skin and a pale face- because all the blood is getting sent to the muscles.

Rapid, deep breathing- sends more oxygen to the muscles, so that they can work longer.

Decreased digestion- blood is sent away from the GI system to the muscles in the arms and legs. Digesting that pizza can wait!

Increased release of epinephrine and norepinephrine- gives us that "surge of adrenaline" to sprint or strike!

But what happens when, instead of a lion, we have years of arguing and fighting in a marriage, or we work 70 hours a week for years at a high pressure job? Suddenly, you don't want your pupils dilated all the time, or adrenaline surging through your body.

Eventually, all these stress reactions will bring on high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, hyperthyroidism, and/or a whole list of diseases too extensive to name here.

The Eight Secrets

The key is knowing that stress is a response, emotionally and physically, and not something that just happens to us because fate has deemed it so.

What if the situation you're in is simply too demanding for you to shrug your shoulders and say "Whatever happens, happens?" We all have different situations that can cause us concern from time to time. We also have the ability to do some things to minimize the stress we might be feeling.

1.) Get Specific Chiropractic Adjustments-Stress is one of the main initiating causes, if not the main cause, of a vertebral subluxation. Having a subluxation of the upper cervical spine can really make a person's life miserable if not corrected. Over time, a subluxation can really add to someones stress. If someone is experiencing dis-ease and it interferes with their daily function, the added stress will only worsen this vicious cycle. So first things first- get your upper cervical spine checked for a subluxation, and if you have one, get it corrected immediately.

2.) Exercise- For me, an intense workout is just the cure for a stressful day. Whether it's a 3-mile run, or numerous body weight exercises, or a session of weight-lifting, I always feel better. Exercising releases neurotransmitters throughout our body that help us feel great. Not to mention, if you workout regularly, the changes you'll see in the mirror will start to give you some confidence and raise your self esteem.

3.) Meditate- Some people meditate by chanting. Some meditate by sitting still and clearing their minds of all thoughts. Others meditate by praying. No matter what form of meditating you do, do it in a quiet place for about 20-30 minutes. You will have more sanity to effectively handle the stress you might face that day. In my experience, the best time to meditate is early in the morning around 4-5 am. But getting up early means you need more of #4.

4.) Sleep- Ah, sleep. Such a precious commodity. As the old adage goes "Early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise." If you have the lights turned off by 10 pm each night, eventually you won't need an alarm. You'll get deep, restful sleep and you will automatically wake up around 4-5 am, 6 am at the latest. If you're well-rested, things don't get to you as much, and your brain is better equipped to logically deal with problems that might arise during the course of your day.

5.) Get Organized- Get your life in order and it will be one less thing to worry about. Get a daily planner, or if you're digitally-minded, a PDA, and organize your days and weeks. Get a file cabinet and file away all your important paperwork such as bills, receipts, and personal records. Backup all the work you do on a computer onto CDs in case your computer crashes. Doing all this will bring you peace of mind and keep you from worrying about finding time for everything.

6.) Be On Time- Leave early. Aim for getting to wherever you have to be 15 minutes early. This was a big one for me. I was always late for years. I always aimed for getting to work, school, or church right when I was supposed to be there. And chances are that I never got there when I was supposed to get there. Leaving early gives you time to drive without stress, even if there is a pile-up on the freeway. You won't have to lay on the horn as you inch along while cussing and screaming at the top of your lungs at the rubbernecker in front of you. It gives you the opportunity to stroll into work or school peacefully and organize your materials for the day without rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off..

7.) Quit Watching the News- News channels make their money preying on the fears of the public. You never see good news, mainly because it doesn't make money. You don't hear about the thousands of planes that landed safely around the world each and every day. You hear about the one that crashed. You hear about the pilots, the passengers, the crash site, etc. over and over again until the next catastrophe arises somewhere else. Sex sells, and so does bad news. If you want to reduce your stress, quit watching this garbage. I'm not saying to go hide in a cave, but just be selective and brief with what you decide to follow. You don't always need the details.

8.) Have Sex- You're probably reading this last one with a dirty-minded smirk, but the truth is I would not be saying this if more than 50% of marriages weren't failing these days. And of the marriages that don't fail, many of them are not happy unions. Talk about stressful! I'm not talking about going out to the club and taking home whoever comes along. I'm talking about being in a healthy, monogamous relationship where two people love each other. When you love your partner, it makes sex that much better, and chances are, you will have it more frequently. It's hard to be stressed out if you have a good sex life!

If you sit down and make it a goal to do each and every one of these things, I can promise you that your stress will dramatically decrease, maybe even disappear. But as I said before, it won't be easy. You have to take the action, not just once, but every day, over and over again.

Article Source:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dont cross your legs!

Don’t cross your legs!

As much as crossing our legs feel incredible comfortable, it is in fact a very unhealthy thing to do. It can contribute to poor posture, back pain and poor circulation.

Poor Posture

As soon as you sit with your legs crossed it causes a shift in your pelvis. If we look at someone when they are sitting with their legs crossed we will observe that one pelvic bone is higher than the other, in other words they are sitting on an uneven base!

When this happens it is not as if you look lopsided. This is because your body is very intelligent and sets about correcting this in balance.

How I hear you ask?!? Well muscles in your back contract to compensate, this can lead to unbearable upper back pain, shoulder fatigue, dropping shoulders, headaches and chronic lower back pain.

Back Pain

Sitting for many hours with your legs crossed placed undue stress on your pelvis and upper back. Many of our patients, primarily the ladies, will find that once they cut out this habit their back pain improves considerably. There is always a cause for back pain. The best way to resolve a problem is to find out what is causing it in the first place. For some it is as simple as uncrossing those legs!

Poor Circulation

When crossing your legs you cause compression of delicate blood vessels in your legs. It also makes it harder for blood to return to your heart. Over time this can lead to thread veins and unsightly varicose veins. Due to the poor circulation people can also suffer from cold feet, not pleasant especially during the winter months.

What Can I Do?

Simple – uncross those legs to start! Unfortunately for many of us we have been crossing our legs for many many years. Over time the muscles in our back become chronically tights and the pelvic in balance can be present even when not sitting. If you so suffer from pain when sitting for prolonged periods the best solution is to book in to see your Chiropractor for a Spine Health Check. As spinal specialists they will be able to asses the severity of your condition and an appropriate treatment plan to resolve the problem once and for all.

During the month of December you can book in for a full Spine Health Check at the Fitzwilliam Health Clinic for €30, that’s a 50% discount from our normal price...., Happy Christmas!
Catch up with Dr Gemma Bailey next week where she will be focusing on High Heels and how they damage you.
Dr Gemma Bailey (BSc Hons Chiro)
Dr of Chiropractic and Full member of the CAI

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shin Splints

Splints at a Glance

Shin splints are a type of "overuse injury" to the legs.

The pain is characteristic and located on the outer edge of the mid region of the leg next to the shinbone (tibia). It can be extreme and halt workouts.

The diagnosis requires a careful focused examination.

A multifaceted approach of "relative rest" can restore a pain-free level of activity and a return to competition.

The "relative rest" approach includes a change in the workout, ice, rest, anti-inflammation medications, stretching exercises, possible change in footwear, and gradual increase in running activities.

Seated Shin stretch

Stretching the muscles on the front of the lower leg can be difficult to achieve. The following are the two easiest ways of doing so.

  • Kneel down and sit on your heels.
  • Gently push down on the heels to stretch the front of the leg.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.
This stretch can be increased by stretching one leg at a time and gently pulling the knee up

Standing Shin stretch

  • Stand with your toes of one foot on the floor on the outside of your other foot.
  • Bend the weight bearing leg to push your other ankle towards the ground.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Kevin O'Toole (IPTI, RPTI)
Physical Therapist & Sports & Remedial Massage

Monday, November 21, 2011

How to sit correctly whilst driving

How comfortable are you in your driving?

A new medical condition has come to light called RDI - Repetitive Driving Injury. It is estimated that nearly 50% of drivers are suffering from this painful condition. (Results are based on an independent ICM Poll of 1,000 respondents on 8 May 2006)

Chiropractors are concerned that many drivers are risking serious long term muscle, joint and spinal injuries as many of their patients admit they don't know how to correctly adjust their car seats for comfort and safety.

A survey by showed the most common Repetitive Driving Injuries are:

- foot cramp (suffered by 81% of the survey sample),

- lumbar pain (74%),

- stiff neck (74%),

- side ache (74%), and

- headache/eye strain (73%).

Professor Mark Porter of Loughborough University, an ergonomics expert identified the four most common driving positions, 'Racers', 'Pimps', 'Multi-taskers' and 'Rollercoasters'. Each position causes different problems.

THE ROLLERCOASTER (37% of the respondents)

Most common RDI symptoms: Shoulder pain, neck strain, leg cramp and side ache.


Most common RDI symptoms: Headaches and eye strain, feet cramp, pain


Most common RDI symptoms: Side aches and lumbar pain.

THE PIMP (8%) 
Most common RDI symptoms: arm and shoulder ache from resting on the window ledge.


1. Adjust your seat so that it has a 90˚ angle between the back rest and the seat. This will insure a 90˚ angle and your hip, keeping your thigh bone parallel to the seat.

2. Adjust your lumbar support to give appropriate lower back support

3. Do not place your elbow on the window or on an arm rest. This can put excessive pressure on shoulder joints

4. Keep your shoulders relaxed

5. If you are on a long journey have a break every hour. Have a small walk to stretch out your muscles

6. Older car seats can be adjusted by using car seat wedges and lumbar rolls

7. Avoid deep bucket seats

8. Avoid excessive backward tilt to the drivers seat

9. Do not drive with your wallet in your back pocket – this causes your pelvis to rotate.

Catch up with Dr Gemma Bailey's blog next week where she will be talking about Why crossing your legs is bad for you?

Dr Gemma Bailey
BSc (Hons) Chiro
Dr of Chiropractic

Thursday, November 17, 2011



Although not another Christmas ailment like the seasonal hangover Roseacea can be triggered by the seasonal hot cups of tea & coffee, too much alcohol, rich foods, Christmas spices and sudden temperature changes from hot to cold wintery weather as you leave the house.

Some features of Roseacea;

• Common in people of Celtic origin

• Affects people in their 30's & 40's

• Thread veins - persistent blushing damages capillaries in cheeks and nose

• Rhinophyma or brandy nose more common in men

• Breakouts of spots (papules & pustules) can be confused with acne

• 60% roseacea sufferers also get gritty eyes, conjunctivitis, blephiritis

• Main stay of treatment is tetracycline (minocyline, doxycycline, erythromycine)

The approach to roseacea in Chinese medicine is to treat this chronic condition with herbal decoctions which not only address the blushing and the spots but also treat the underlying cause of the condition which is unique to the individual.

Treated with Chinese herbs such as the stems of white peony, crocus stamens, dandelion leaves and mulberry root, the aim of treatment is to increase the blood circulation to the face. Although this may seem to be an extraordinary approach to treating a condition associated with flushing and blushing, the increase in circulation with these specific herbs reduces the tendency to broken veins and purpling it also ‘cools’ the blood at the same time.

Amanda Hughes
Chinese Herbalist & Acupuncturist
Lic. Ac(adv) Beijing, I.C.T.C.M., I.R.C.H.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Correct Workstation Set Up

Correct Workstation Set Up

In previous blogs I have discussed the importance of sitting correctly. Today I am going to give you some handy tips on how you should set up your workstation correctly to help prevent RSI, neck and lower back pain.

1. Your computer screen and keyboard should be placed directly in front of you – not of to the side.

2. Use your mouse close to your keyboard

3. Make sure there is a comfortable viewing distance between your eyes and your screen. When sat at your desk reach your arms out in front of you. Where your fingertips end is where your screen should be

4. Make sure under your desk is clear of clutter; this makes it easier for you to keep both feet flat on the floor.

5. Your elbows should be flexed at 90°, adjust the position of your keyboard to accommodate this.

6. Your wrist should always be in a neutral position; a wrist wrest can help to keep them at the correct angle.

Catch up with Dr. Gemma Bailey's blog next week where she will be talking about sitting correctly in the car.

Dr Gemma Bailey
BSc (Hons) Chiro

Monday, November 14, 2011

Kevin's Stretch of the week - Calf Stretch

Calf Stretch

1. The calf stretch, stretches the lower leg muscles in two ways: with knee straight and knee bent.

2. While standing, place your hands on a wall in front of you, with arms outstretched, elbows straight.

3. Keeping your left knee slightly bent, the toes of right foot slightly turned inward, move your right foot back one or two feet, and place your right heel and foot flat on the floor. You should feel a stretch in your right calf muscle, but you shouldn't feel uncomfortable.

4. If you don't feel a stretch, move your right foot farther back until you do.

5. Keep your right knee straight and hold that position for 10 to 30 seconds.

6. Continuing to keep your right heel and foot on the floor, bend your right knee and hold for another 10 to 30 seconds.

7. Repeat with opposite leg.

8. Repeat 3 to 5 times on each side.




  • Stand with hands against wall, arms straight.
  • Step back 1-2 feet with one leg, heel and foot flat on floor.  
  • Hold position.  
  • Bend knee of stepped-back leg, keeping heel and foot flat on floor.
  • Hold position.
  • Repeat with other leg.

Kevin O'Toole
Remedial & Sports Massage Therapist
Physical Therapist


Monday, November 7, 2011

Carrying Bags Correctly

Carrying Bags Correctly

Most of us carry a bag every day, be it a school bag, sports bag or hand bag. Nowadays we seem to carry everything around with us, adding additional weight to our bodies and spine.

Knowing how much you should be carrying and the best possible way to carry your bags can help prevent severe back problems.

Your spine has four natural curves. You must aim to maintain these curves at all time to prevent damage to your spine.

Carrying your bags like the image above can lead to, muscle tightness, spinal dysfunction, pinched nerves, arm pain and headaches. Here are a few hand tips to help avoid these problems.

• Only carry what you need! This mainly applies to women...we tend to carry our purse, phone, keys, sunglasses, our whole make up bag, hairbrush, diary, bottle of water you actually use all these things every day?!

• If you need to carry more things then invest in a good back pack. Use both shoulder straps and make sure the bag is not resting on your bottom!

• When putting a back pack on place it on a table and put it on one strap at a time

• Carry the heaviest items closest to your body

• Do not carry more than 15% of your body weight

• Get backpacks with wider, padded shoulder straps as well as back padding

Your Weight Maximum you should carry

9 Stone - 1.4 Stone

10 ½ Stone - 1.5 Stone

12 Stone - 1.7 Stone

13 ½ Stone - 2 Stone

Do not wear your back pack like this. It is far too low and increases the curvature in your lumbar spine. This places pressure on your delicate spinal joints and nerves potentially leading to back pain. The straps will also dig into your shoulders.
This is the correct way to wear your backpack. The load is transferred through the upper body and the spine had maintained the correct curves.
Catch up with Dr Gemma Baileys blog next week where she will be talking about how to set up your computer correctly.

Dr Gemma Bailey
BSc (Hons) Chiro

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Common Low Back Pain Causes

Common Low Back Pain Causes

Forget manual labour, office work has been named the top back breaking profession by the British Chiropractic Association.

Research conducted amongst BCA Chiropractors overwhelmingly found that sedentary PC posture is likely to be causing more back problems than excessive lifting and carrying. The poll was conducted to coincide with World Spine Day.

Those most at risk from back pain are:

1) Office Worker – Long periods of time sitting in awkward positions, often slouched over computer keyboards, or maybe sitting at chairs not properly adjusted for their needs.

2) Nurse – Long shifts, often on their feet all day as well as lifting and carrying.

3) Driver – Hours a day spent at the wheel, sitting in a poor position, along with limited movement.

4) Labourer – Repeated strain from lifting heavy weights and often twisting in awkward positions.

5) Teacher & Nursery Staff – Continuously bending down to a child’s height and lifting children can cause back problems

56% of BCA chiropractors involved in the survey highlighted that those who work in an office were more vulnerable to becoming victims of back pain.

Tim Hutchful from the BCA comments: “This survey has highlighted what we chiropractors have known for some time. Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle is taking its toll. It is assumed that those most at risk from back pain are the ones who have very physical jobs however, as this research has unveiled, whilst lifting and carrying are still common triggers for back pain, it is those with less physically demanding jobs and who are often seated for the majority of the day that could be most prone to back problems.”

For many who work in an office environment, it is the day-to-day, mundane routines that are at the root of most back problems. Hunching over computer keyboards and cradling the phone between the ear and shoulder can all contribute to lower back and neck stiffness, not to mention the fact that many office workers sit for hours at a time with very little movement.

In fact, recent consumer research carried out by the BCA revealed that 59% of the working population sits down all day at work and nearly 50% of those who work refuse to leave their desks: even for lunch! It is not surprising that come the weekend, it is the office workers waiting in Chiropractors clinics.

Dr Patrick Ryder (MChiro)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sleeping Posture

Sleeping Posture

We have learnt a lot in recent years about the best way to sit to avoid back pain; however many of us spend an average of 8 hours a day in bed and I find that a lot of back and neck pain is caused by poor sleeping posture.

The average person moves about 20 to 40 times a night, so it can be challenging to adopt a good posture. Generally if you are in a comfortable position you will move less.

Your spine has four natural curves, when you are in bed you need to maintain these curves to reduce pressure on your muscles and spine.

1. Never sleep on your front

2. If you sleep on your side make sure your knees are together at all times. Your knees can be straight or bent.

3. If you sleep on your back, keep your legs straight; do not rotate your head.

4. If you are in pain, sleep on your back with one or two pillows under your knees or on your side with a pillow between your knees

5. Sleep with one pillow

Remember if you have spent your whole life sleeping on your front it will take time to improve your sleeping posture. Persevere it will help your back and neck in the long run.

Dr Gemma Bailey (BSc (Hons) Chiro)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The importance of Vitamin D to increase your Immune System

Vitamin D levels increasing your immune system against bacterial and viral infection

Vitamin D is naturally produced when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light and occurs in very small amounts in a small amount of foods including fatty fish, eggs and meat.

Vitamin D naturally stimulates the immune system by producing an active hormone called Calcitrol. This is only produced when there are sufficiently high levels of active vitamin D within the body. This hormone increases the activity of Natural Killer Cells which destroys cell affected by viruses or tumours and also increases the activity macrophages (white blood cells). Calcitrol also increases the production of Cathelicidin by macrophages, which is a natural antibiotic that can kill bacteria and some viruses.

During times of decreased sunlight such as winter when colds and flus increase vitamin D levels can be addressed with the use of supplements in order to increase the efficiency of your immune system and keep you healthy.

Dr Patrick Ryder (MChiro)
Doctor of Chiropractic

Monday, October 24, 2011

8 years of your life seated…you better get it right!

8 years of your life seated…you better get it right!

The average office worker will sit for 6 hours a day and work 252 days a year.

If we do the maths that means we spend on average 63 days a year sat down, over a life time that adds up to nearly 8 years!!!

This only takes in to account hours at work, in reality we also spend a lot of time sat in the car and in front of the TV.

Hopefully now you can see why correct ergonomics at work is so important?

Your back just isn’t designed to sit for these long periods of time, so it is imperative that you have a good chair, exercise your back regularly and have regular Chiropractic check ups. If you do all these things then you are massively reducing your risk of getting back pain.

Here are a few handy tips to help you sit better. Please talk to Dr Bailey if you require any further information.

1. Your knees and hip joints need to be at 90°

2. Feet flat on the floor or on a foot rest

3. If using an arm wrest the elbows need to be bent to 90°, do not lean on the elbows, the wrests are only there for support.

4. Your back should be in contact with the back of the chair at all times, no leaning forward.

5. Your computer needs to be set up in front of you, not to the side. You should not be turning your head or body.

6. Take a brake every 30min, walk to get a glass of water, take a call walking or just stand up and walk around your desk.

7. Stretch regularly throughout the day. You Chiropractor will give you specific stretches to do.

If you enjoyed this blog then log on next monday where Dr Bailey will be talking about sleeping posture.

 Dr Gemma Bailey Bsc (Hons) Chiro
 Doctor of Chiropractic

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cold & Winter increasing joint aches and pains?

Cold & Winter increasing joint aches and pains?

Is started getting cold again how are your joints feeling sore?

Doctors who specialize in the treatment of patients with arthritis) generally agree that many patients experience a worsening of joint symptoms with changes in the weather. Moreover, folklore holds that the weather can affect arthritis as emphasized by sayings like "feeling under the weather." We know, for example, that weather clearly influences many health conditions. Examples of this relationship include altitude and ears popping, pollens in the air and asthma or sinus infection, sun rays and skin burning or skin cancer, cold weather and heart attacks, and gloomy, dark weather and depression. We also know that heat packs or hot showers can relax the muscles around the joints and relieve stiffness and pain for some. Conversely, ice packs can ease the inflammation in the joints themselves.

First, there hasn't been much real research science. In 1961, a famous arthritis specialist, J. Hollander M.D., conducted a study in which he built a climate chamber and demonstrated that high humidity combined with low barometric pressure were associated with increased joint pain and stiffness. Neither weather factor by itself seemed to influence joint symptoms. The study has been criticized because of the limited number of patient’s evaluated (12 patients). The theory of the study is that inflamed joints swell as the barometric pressure drops. This swelling irritates the nerves around the joints that sense pain and causes more stiffness.

The answer is no. Relocating to a different climatic environment does not seem to make a difference in the long run. Scientific studies have shown that no matter where people live their bodies seem to establish a new equilibrium to the local climate. As a result, changes in the weather affect the arthritis symptoms in the same manner regardless of the actual overall average weather. Moving is not likely to be beneficial long term. (To emphasize a point, I can tell you that there are plenty of busy rheumatologists in Arizona!)

It appears that there is some evidence that the symptoms of certain persons with arthritis are influenced by CHANGES in the weather. This is not true for all people with arthritis, nor is it predictable what type of weather alterations will bother people. For example, in one room I may have a patient that complains that last week just before it rained, her joints began aching and now that it is warm, clear weather she feels better. Simultaneously, in the next room, a patient tells me that her joints are far worse today after it rained last week! What do I do with this information? Well, each patient must be evaluated (and evaluate themselves) uniquely. The bottom line is that while the exact cause(s) of the activation of arthritis symptoms may not yet be scientifically understood, each patient must make lifestyle and/or medication adjustments according to the particular weather conditions that they note influence their symptoms.

Dr Patrick Ryder (MChiro)

Doctor of Chiropractic

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Straighten Up Ireland 2011

Straighten Up Ireland 2011

It always amazes me that people do not get their spines checked at least once a year.

The spine is such an important part of the body. It is vital for movement, in fact most people only realise this once they have hurt it and they can’t use it!!

The spine also protects the spinal cord. The spinal cord and spinal nerves relay messages from the brain to every cell in the body, a healthy spine means a healthy nervous system.

I can guarantee that you take better care of your teeth then you do your spine? We brush our teeth twice a day, visit the dentist for check ups once a year and spend a fortune on dental treatment. Don’t get me wrong, this is very important to do and I only use it as an example of what people should be doing in relation to their spines. After all if your teeth fall out you can get dentures, what do you do if your spine wears out?

Having regular Chiropractic care has been proven to give you a healthier, stronger spine. We place stress through our spines each and every day. Chiropractic care is designed to resolve these issues BEFORE symptoms start.

So if you have never had your spine checked, book in with Dr Bailey today for a FREE check up. If you are an existing patient and it has been a few months since your last treatment, book in today! Remember prevention is better the cure!

Dr Gemma Bailey

Bsc (Hons) Chiro

Doctor of Chiropractic

Monday, October 17, 2011

Does running make you fat? - Diet & Fitness, Health -

Kevin O'Toole, the Fitzwilliam Health Clinic's resident Physical and Sports Massage therapist thinks this is an interesting article, but contradictory in life, exercise, work and rest, its all a matter of balance. You do what you can when you can with what you have, so mix it up. Anaerobic, Aerobic when you can get the time and watch the calories and last but not least enjoy!!

Does running make you fat? - Diet & Fitness, Health -

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Breast Cancer & Acupuncture

Breast Cancer & Acupuncture

Persistent fatigue a common symptom for breast cancer survivors.

The American Association for Cancer Research have presented results at third AACR conference which identifies persistent fatigue as a common symptom in women who have successfully completed breast cancer treatment programs. These men and women may also experience pain, sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety, weight gain and treatment induced menopausal symptoms.

These findings would compare with my own clinical experience in treating breast cancer survivors, the transition from active treatment to cancer survivorship can be difficult. In my opinion Acupuncture can make a significant difference to patients suffering from any of these symptoms as it treats the individuals core energy levels .

As a result of controlled clinical trials, acupuncture is acknowledged by the WHO to be an effective treatment for adverse reactions to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, depression, neck and shoulder pain, nausea. It also acknowledges a therapeutic effect in the treatment of insomnia, obesity / weight gain although without any controlled clinical trial data

Refs: Source: American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

Article Date: 02 Oct 2010 - 1:00 PDT

Acupuncture Review and Analysis of reports on controlled clinical trials

Amanda Hughes – Acupuncturist

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Breast Awareness Month

Breast Awareness Month 2011

Every year in Ireland nearly 2,500 women are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Over the course of a lifetime, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer

In 2007, there were 2,463 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed in Ireland making it the most common invasive cancer in Irish women.

Advances in diagnosis and in treatment have seen an increase in survival from breast cancer for Irish women in recent years. In spite of this, breast cancer remains the biggest cause of death from cancer in women in Ireland.

Some of the known risk factors for breast cancer include:

• Older age

• Menstruating at an early age

• Older age at first birth or never having given birth

• A personal history of breast cancer or benign (noncancer) breast disease

• Treatment with radiation therapy to the breast/chest

• Breast tissue that is dense on a mammogram

• Taking hormones such as estrogen and progesterone

• Drinking alcoholic beverages

• A mother or sister with breast cancer

Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report any new breast changes to a family doctor as soon as they are found.

These are the changes to look for and if you are in any doubt, visit your doctor:

• A lump or thickening which is different to the rest of the breast tissue

• Continuous pain in one part of the breast or armpit

• One breast becomes larger or lower

• A nipple becomes inverted or changes shape or position

• Skin changes including puckering or dimpling

• Swelling under the armpit or around the collarbone

• A rash on or around the nipple

• Discharge from one or both nipples

You should check your breasts once a month. Try and do this at the same time each month so you are aware of what is normal for you. If you notice any changes in the appearance of your breasts see your GP ASAP. Please see the link below to help you out.

If you are aged 50-64 please partake in “Breast Check”. This is Government-funded programme providing free mammograms on an area-by-area basis every two years. Freephone 1800 45 45 55

Dr Gemma Bailey Bsc Hons Chiro

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal Manipulation evidence

The first day of the WFC’s 2011 Congress saw the legendary chiropractor and neurologist, Scott Haldeman, speak of the physiological mechanisms and effects of spinal manipulation. Dr Haldeman, a professor of neurology at the University of California and head of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010, first qualified as a chiropractor in 1964 and has led the field in researching chiropractic and its effects since this time.

He said that there is now a large body of clinical research which demonstrates spinal manipulation to be effective in the management of back and neck pain and headaches.During his lecture, Dr Haldeman ran through a range of effects for which evidence now exists:

1. Relaxation of muscles and relief of muscular pain.

There have been a number of different research approaches to this question, but it’s been demonstrated that cortical evoked potentials are abnormal on the side of spinal pain when compared to the normal side and it’s been noted that these return to normal folowing spinal manipulation.

2. Changes in Pain Sensitivity

At least one study has shown that skin pain sensitivity to electrica

l stimulation was diminished after spinal manipulation. A more recent RCT showed a change in thermal pain sensitivity.

3. Impact on Dorsal Horn neurons in the spinal cord.

Mechanical movement of the spine has been shown to stimulate Group I and Group II neurons and that the responses in these neurons can be sensitised by maintained changes in muscle length. Group III and IV Neurons can also be stimulated by vertebral movement. This has been hypothesized as a possible mechanism that may impact on the pain-spasm-pain cycle in paraspinal muscles.

4. Impact on Tissue Inflammatory Responses

Recent studies have raised the possibility that spinal manipualtion may have an impact on the inflammatory response of certain tissues.

5. Impact on Somato-Autonomic Responses

Research has repeatedly demonstrated that stimulation of somatic structures including peripheral somatic nerves, skin and muscles and can result in responses in autonomic nerves and can result in measureable changes in the function of a number of internal organs. It’s unknown whether or not these responses have any clinical significance.


WFC 11th Biennial Conference Proceedings pp46-49

Dr Patrick Ryder (MChiro)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Acupuncture gets green light - Latest News, Health -

Acupuncture gets green light - Latest News, Health -

This is a very positive step for the recognition of Acupuncture as an alternative to pain relief.

Straighten Up Ireland - 10th - 14th October 2011


SUI is a posture care programme that sets out to improve the nation’s posture, thus aiming to help prevent back pain & subsequently improve your overall health & well being by promoting balance, strength and flexibility within the spine.

The Chiropractic Association of Ireland is delighted to incorporate this fantastic programme and to be utilising it here in Ireland.

The message at the heart of this campaign is the importance of having good posture and its’ related health benefits, as well as educating the public on the potential short and long term implications of poor posture.

Approximately 80% of the population of Ireland will experience at least one episode of back pain in their life time. That means that a large number of people are suffering with back pain right now. Poor posture is one of the common causes of back pain. As a result, millions of Euro’s are wasted in Ireland every year due to a decreased ability to work efficiently and often subsequent absenteeism.

The CAI wants to encourage everyone who is old enough & able to start using this simple, three minute, daily exercise routine that is designed to improve posture and increase spinal strength & flexibility. This routine is most effective when it is incorporated daily.

Straighten up Ireland will be running from the 10-16th October 2011. During this week we are offering FREE Spinal Assessment at our clinic. This will give you an opportunity to talk to one of our CAI chiropractors to discuss any health issues concerning you back. You will also be given a free SUI exercises leaflet to help get you started!

Call the Clinic today to book your appointment. This opportunity is open to everyone, so please tell your friends and family all about it. Children are welcome to attend too.

Whole Ginger Extract Has Promising Anti-Prostate Cancer Potential

Whole Ginger Extract Has Promising Anti-Prostate Cancer Potential

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chiropractic Kids

Chiropractic Kids!

How early should children be adjusted?, Is it safe?, Aren’t their bones still soft?, Why do they need adjustments?, What if they cry?, How can we afford it?

All of these questions and more go through the minds of parents who are considering chiropractic care for their kids. Some parents are hesitant about getting their children adjusted even though they are under care themselves.

Our kids are so special to us that sometimes, in an effort to protect them, we become overprotective and deprive them of necessary and valuable experiences.

If chiropractic care is necessary to your good health, then it logically follows that it is even more necessary for a child!

After all, they have nerve systems that control and coordinate all of their body functions just as you do. And, just like you, they can get spinal dysfunction.

The only difference is that they still have an entire lifetime ahead of them in which to manifest the results of what they do today.

It’s Never Too Soon

Spinal Dysfunction can occur at any time. The first one may very well have occurred at your baby’s birth. That is why parents who understand the importance of having a healthy spine have their newborns examined by their chiropractor as soon after birth as possible

Many people who come into a chiropractor’s office for the first time as adults would have had far greater potential for regaining their health if they had received regular chiropractic care as children.

Kids Make Great Patients!

Adjusting a child is not a difficult procedure. In fact, in most cases, a child’s spine is much easier to adjust than an adult’s. They have not had the long-standing areas of dysfunction, their muscles are usually not as tense and they are usually more relaxed in general than adults.

Not only are kids easier to adjust, but also in most cases, they hold their adjustments for longer periods of time and their corrective adjustment plans are almost always significantly shorter than the average adult. However, with the falls, accidents and the generally active lives most kids experience, regular check-ups are vital.

It’s Worth The Effort

Chiropractic adjustments are generally painless. Children may, on the first visit or two, be somewhat reluctant. However, they rarely hesitate to get on the table to be adjusted, especially when they see that visiting the chiropractor is a family affair. When they see Mum, Dad and their brothers and sisters getting adjusted, they are usually more than willing to be checked too.

We will work with you so that your children will become accustomed to their adjustments. In fact, in a very short period of time, most kids really look forward to their regular chiropractic visits.

Obviously, children who are adjusted regularly from infancy think of their visits to the chiropractor as a regular part of their lives and are not the least bit hesitant to climb onto the adjusting table.

We have a Family Plan that makes it affordable for most families to receive the care they need. The money saved on treatments for illness is often enough to convince most parents of the benefits of family care. But, the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you have provided your children with the best possible chance to perform at their best is the greatest benefit of all!

Free Child Chiropractic Assessment at the Fitzwilliam Health Clinic – Till October 2011

Dr Gemma Bailey

Doctor of Chiropractic

Bsc (Hons) Chiro

Monday, August 15, 2011

Essential Fatty Acid's

There are about 44 nutrients we must have to fuel our bodies to live; 20 minerals, 13 vitamins, 8 amino acids, and 2 Essential Fatty Acids, EFA’s.

These fats are called “Essential” because we absolutely need them for life and the body cannot produce them – we have to take EFA’s in through our food.

Every cell in the body must have the correct balance of EFA’s daily to function properly.

The two EFA’s our body needs are called:

1. Alpha-Linolenic Acid, ALA, popularly known as Omega 3.

2. Linoleic Acid, LA, popularly known as Omega 6.

Omega-3. ALA is found in vegetable sources such as…

• flax seed oil

• soybean oil

• canola oil

• walnuts

• dairy products

• beans

• broccoli

Omega-3 is also found in two marine forms. They are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). They are found primarily in cold-water fatty fish such as...

• salmon

• mackerel

• lake trout

• herring

• sardines

• albacore tuna

Omega- LA is found in…

• corn oil

• safflower oil

• soybean oil

• sunflower oil

• cottonseed oil Two other forms of omega-6 are GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid). GLA is also found in plant based oils. ARA is found in many animal based foods.

So why do we need to have these fats in our diet?

EFA are classed as good fats. More often than not we see fat as a bad thing that we shouldn’t have in our diet – the fact is that we need fat in our diet.

Good fats are essential for making cell walls. The human body is made up of trillions of cells. Cells are the basic functional unit of the body. Having good fats in our diet means that we can build very healthy new cells – this is essential for a healthy you.

Also, good fats raise your HDL or "good cholesterol". One of the jobs of this High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or "good cholesterol" is to grab your bad cholesterol, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), and escort it to the liver where it is broken down and excreted. In other words, these good fats attack some of the damage already done by the bad fats.

Dr Gemma Bailey - Bsc (Hons) Chiro

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is Pilates?


Pilates is a form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates, which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement.

Core strength is the foundation of Pilates exercise. The core muscles are the deep, internal muscles of the abdomen and back. When the core muscles are strong and doing their job, as they are trained to do in Pilates, they work in tandem with the more superficial muscles of the trunk to support the spine and movement.

As you develop your core strength you develop stability throughout your entire torso. This is one of the ways Pilates helps people overcome back pain. As the trunk is properly stabilized, pressure on the back is relieved and the body is able to move freely and efficiently.

The top benefits of Pilates exercise that people report are that they become stronger, longer, leaner, and able to do anything with more grace and ease.

Modification is the key to Pilates exercise success with a variety of populations. All exercises are developed with modifications that can make a workout safe and challenging for a person at any level.

We have new pilates courses commencing in August for all levels, lunchtime and evenings.
Call or email for more info and to book your place today - 01 6618949 or

Chiropractic News

News From Around the World

In New Zealand the September 1997 issue of Consumer magazine reported a survey on use of alternative therapies by 8007 Consumer members. Half (51%) had tried at least one. With Chiropractic being most popular, having the highest satisfaction rating (74%), and being the most regulated

In Canada an August 1997 nationwide poll of 1200 adults, by CTV/Angus Reid, reported that almost half (42%) of Canadian adults use alternative care, and that amongst them chiropractic is by far the most commonly used (59%). There has been a 146% growth rate in the use of alternative care by young adults (age 18 -34) in the past 5 years. 70% of Canadians feel that government plans should cover the cost of alternative care.

In Europe an August 1997 issue of the British Medical Journal reported, "The demarcation lines between medicine and its partners in alternative medicine are rapidly changing with the public's increasing attachment to alternative medicine.

In Israel strong public demand for alternative care has led to the rapid integration of chiropractic services into the primary health care system during the past few years. The health maintenance organizations (HMOs) pay approximately 70% of the cost of chiropractic services.

The traditional health care system is truly a crisis or emergency care system where a person must be sick before gaining its benefits. The chiropractic health care philosophy promotes wellness and disease prevention, making it beneficial and accessible to everyone.

Patrick Ryder

Masters of Chiro

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to Prevent BACK PAIN from GARDENING

How to Prevent BACK PAIN from GARDENING

Gardening for many people is just a chore that has to be done, and for others their main leisure activity. In both cases it is important to prepare your joints and muscles prior to descending on your garden in the spring.
The reason people get backaches, when they undertake what appears to be a relatively restful activity such as gardening, is that the actions required are quite different from those carried out in the rest of the year.

Dr Gemma Bailey advises that the main cause of back pain when gardening is prolonged stretching and overuse of the ligaments and joints in the spine. Digging, prolonged stooping and bending over whilst planting, place considerable stress on the ligaments and joints in the lower lumbar spine and cause them to become inflamed and tender. This in turn triggers a protective muscle spasm which gives rise to the deeper, duller, achy type of pain that occurs over the following few days.

Injury Prevention
There are many ways to help prevent injuries. Dr Bailey believes that the way you bend and move determines how much strain is put on the spine and by using certain muscles to protect your back you can reduce the likelihood of developing pain.

She believes it to be very important to warm up before any strenuous activity is started. The simplest form of warming up is walking. This should be followed by some flexibility exercises. Muscle exercises should be geared not so much to increasing the muscle strength but rather to improving the muscle’s ability to keep going longer i.e. stamina.

Fitzwilliam Health Clinic advises that the flexibility exercises should be done regularly once a day preferably in the morning and also before and after gardening.
1. Lie down on your back, bend your right leg and pull the knee up to the chest keeping the other leg straight. Repeat on the left leg, and then pull both knees up together. Repeat this exercise 2 or 3 times.
2. Kneel on the floor on all fours, relax the back and let the spine go hollow, then reverse the curve in the spine by arching the back. Repeat this 2 or 3 times.
3. Stretching the front of the thigh: Standing up, support yourself with one hand against the wall and take hold of the right ankle with your right hand, bend your knee up pulling the heel towards your buttock until you feel a stretching sensation on the front of the thigh. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat this three times on each leg. If you feel any discomfort in your back stop the exercise.
4. Stretching of the inside of the thigh: sitting cross legged, gently push down on your knees until you can feel the stretch. Repeat as above.

Dr Bailey advises these exercises will gently stretch and improve the flexibility in the muscles that affect the spine. By doing them regularly you will keep supple so that during the bending and crouching activities you’ll be less likely to injure yourself.

Muscle Exercises
1. Tensing the deep stomach muscles is the most effective way of supporting your back. Just try to hollow our stomach without taking a breath in. The aim is to tense the stomach muscles when you initiate a movement or when you have to stand in any prolonged awkward position, and to make it second nature. Practise this exercise regularly throughout the day in bouts of 5 repetitions holding the tension for 5-10 seconds, and then gradually increase the length of time you hold the tension.
2. To strengthen your back: Lie down with arms outstretched, raise one leg a few inches off the floor keeping the knee straight, whilst raising the opposite arm straight a few inches off the floor. Hold in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this 5 times in succession 3 times (3 sets) to begin with and then increase the number of repetitions to your ability as you improve.
3. To exercise your buttock muscles: Stand up with your feet a few inches apart. Tense the buttocks together tightly and hold the muscles tensed for 5 seconds. Repeat this 5 times in succession, 5 times a day.
4. To strengthen your thighs: Rest your back against the wall and move your feet out 12” away from the wall. Squat down slowly to the level that your knees are bent to 45 degrees and hold this position for the count of 10. Repeat this until you feel the muscles tire.

These four muscle exercises can be done easily by most people, and will increase your stamina in the muscles of the abdomen, back, buttock and thigh.

NOTE: It takes between 2 and 3 months to build up muscle stamina, so be prepared.

Chiropractic Gardening Tips
1. Kneel on one leg rather than bending down repeatedly from the hips.
2. Try and keep your back hollow when digging, with the legs well spaced apart. Use your legs rather than the back.
3. Try and vary the tasks of the day into short bursts of different activities rather than slogging away all day at one thing.
3. When mowing lawns with the hover mower try to resist the temptation to swing the mower from side to side in an arc. Instead mow forwards and backwards as you would with a conventional cylinder mower.
5. If you suffer from knee problems and tend to stoop rather than kneel, then use a cushion to kneel on or a gardening stool to sit on, try keeping the back as hollow as possible.
6. Keep yourself warm and covered, i.e. keep shirts tucked in; this prevents the muscles from becoming chilled.
7. If you ache the next day, rest, and seek the advice of a Chiropractor who will advise you whether you should apply heat, or ice packs to the area, or if you require further treatment.

If any of these exercises cause you pain, contact a Chiropractor for further advice and treatment. Do not leave it to go away on its own, the earlier the treatment is carried out the better.

You should exercise and keep fit so that you can enjoy your gardening and other leisure activities, rather than using your gardening as an exercise to keep fit. Good luck!


Dr Gemma Bailey D.C, Bsc (Hons) Chiro,

19 Fitzwilliam Square South, Dublin 2

Phone: 01 6618949

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Health Apps

Apps for a Healthy You!

Pollen Alert Ireland:

The provides daily pollen and airborn allergen alert and forecasting from April to November each year.


A great app that tracks your pace, distance and route using GPS. Ideal for runners and walkers!

You can log each work out to see monitor your progress. I personal favourite, I can highly recommend it!

Sleep Pillow Ambiance: a white noise machine lite

White noise is a type of noise that is produced by combining sounds of all different frequencies together. Because white noise contains all frequencies, it is frequently used to mask other sounds. It is excellent for helping children sleep, studying and trying to drown out annoying noises such as tinnitus

Fitness Free

Fitness Free includes 300 exercise routines you can choose from and add to your fitness log as you complete them. Clear diagrams show you how to perform the exercises and what muscle groups you are working.

Pink Pad Free

This menstrual period and health tracking app is receiving high ratings in the App Store. The app helps women keep track of health-related issues such as weight, menstrual cycle, and emotional/physical well-being.


iRelax Melodies

Relax Melodies is fantastic for relaxation and sleep assistance. No more insomnia for you! Just custom mix your favorite sounds from a selection of 41, then slip naturally into a relaxed state or a deep, rejuvenating sleep. This is the ultimate relaxation experience and it's very easy to use.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Childbirth & the One Person that Matters the Most

I came across this article; and thought it would be nice to share with you all.

The writer who previously was a obstetrician who left this field due to the dismay that the most important thing about pregnancy and childbirth was being completely overlooked. The most important thing being the child. He released a book that at its time was at the forefront of groundbreaking thinking for the time; which at first was met with resistance from the medical community, He placed more on the health and wellbeing of the child during the whole process and highlighted the importance of less medical intervention when not needed.

Patrick Ryder – Masters in Chiro

Monday, June 20, 2011



Headaches are a very common occurrence that will at some point affect us all too some degree. New research has found that especially migraines are on the rise. It is a very common condition that patients present with.

There has been extensive research into the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment of headaches. A new review is just about to be released in the next Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT). It supports in its research the chiropractic adjustment being used in the management of migraine and cervicogenic headaches with another chiropractic technique called Mobilization being effective in the treatment of tension-type and cervicogenic headaches.

A new study into long term tension type headaches compared conventional medical treatment to chiropractic treatment and concluded that;

“Manual therapy is more effective than usual GP care in the short- and longer term in reducing symptoms of CTTH.”

Patrick Ryder
Masters in Chiropractic